Thursday, November 11, 2010

36 Weeks: Wait, did you say 9 Months Pregnant?

I still have 4 more weeks.  Oy.  I think if it keeps getting bigger, I'm eventually going to just topple over. 
But anyway, let's talk about fun stuff... liiiiiike... check out a teeny sneak peak of the nursery!! The carpet is done, the furniture has been put together... it's almost finished.  Not quite.  I'm sorry to tease you but we're almost done! We have things left to do so no full pictures until it's done.  Sorry! :)

 Let's see what the experts have to say about Mr. T this week.
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement.

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely he's in a head-down position. But if he isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly.
Your Baby is six pounds. SIX. POUNDS. You probably have clothes in your house that already fit a six-pound baby. He is still not fully cooked yet, even though MOST babies born at this point will do just fine. But the lungs are better off with a couple more weeks of maturity.  The size of your baby will start displacing amniotic fluid over the final few weeks. As the fluid gets reabsorbed into your body, you may notice that your baby’s movements feel “different.” You might not feel as many kicks as you used to, or the sensations are just…well, “different.” It’s mostly because of the cramped quarters in there and less fluid.
You are not done yet. I am sorry. You have gained 25 to 30 pounds, according to the books, which also say that it’s “not unusual” for your weight to remain unchanged between weekly OB appointments. Say it with me: SHUT UP, BOOKS.


My doctor's appointment this week went well.  The doctor felt around my belly and said the baby was definitely in the head down position (HOORAY!) and she could feel his back and his butt.  It was crazy to see what she was talking about as she was feeling around.  My belly is usually lopsided and that's exactly where his back was.  I know where his body parts are! It's nuts! 

But seriously, what is the deal with the hiccups??? He has them probably twice a day.  Freaks me out a little.  But I know it's normal and healthy.  It's just so often. What's he doing in there to cause those hiccups? Poor guy.

Now it's time for your weekly Baby Care Class...

Can you tell I'm missing the potent potables?

I found a few more pregnancy lessons for you all. 

 Yeah, there it is again with the alcohol.  It's been awhile.  

Let's try another lesson...
Yes, that's good advice.  No witch doctors.  Unless they have something that tastes like a Captain and Coke, then I could be persuaded. 

1 comment:

  1. A) Brian got ditched already (not in the picture)
    B) Doesn't make you wonder how the women in I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant don't ever feel hiccups or the such?
