Monday, April 11, 2011

4 Months Old!

Today Tommy had his 4 month appointment.  He surprised me this morning with the biggest blow-out yet. 

I don't think he got any actual poop in his diaper. Just incredible.  He's like, "THAT is what you get for the shots I'm about to get today."  Well played, Tommy T.

We arrive at the doctor and wait... and wait and wait and wait.  We didn't bring more than one toy and Tommy got sick of that quickly so we found other things for him to play with.
Baby magazines! He loved looking at the pictures of the babies and then ripping the crap out of the page. 

"Take THAT, ad-for-jogging-stroller!"  I think he was working out a lot of pre-shot rage.

Once we were finally called back, the nurse took him straight to the scale.  We had to take off his wet diaper.  Apparently it's just the opposite of wrestling weigh-ins.  No extra heavy diaper throwing off your weight an extra 0.2 oz!
(Yes, that's a little Easter egg modesty patch.)  She also measured his height and his head size.  She wrote it down on a post-it for us, thank goodness.  I always almost forget.

Tommy's stats:
Height: 24 7/8 inches long, 51%
Weight: 15 lbs 2.5 oz, 58%
Head: 16.5 inches, 41%

So he went from long and skinny to very average and teensy bit tubby.  HAHA! Not really.  He's perfectly normal and average and right where he should be.  So that's good to know. 

After the measurements, the nurse left and we waited for the doctor to come in.
I snapped a quick pic of father and son bonding time.
The doctor finally came in and talked to us about rice cereal, his rash, his next appointments, etc.  He also quoted a study that said that boys who are breastfed for 6 months have higher IQs than those that don't.  He said, "I'm not really sure what happened to the girls in that study... but I guess men need as much help as they can get."  Ha!  So only two more months to go! I still haven't decided if I'm going to continue after 6 months or not.  I think I might actually miss it.  It was so hard at first but now that I'm back at work and in a routine, it's much easier.  I guess I will just decide when the time comes.

Then once again, the doctor skedaddled.  He even made the comment that he's glad the nurses give the shots.  The nurse floated in with superfluous apologies. You could tell she hated this part of her job but she knew to finish posthaste.  She was much more prompt than the last nurse.  Tommy once again wailed like... well, like a baby.  As soon as Andrew picked him up, he stopped.  Then he ate and fell into a deep sleep.

He just now woke up like 2.5 hours later.  He's in a great mood.  He was last time too until something clicked and he freaked out. Hopefully we can keep that from happening this time. We'll see. 
Edited to Add:  We were right.  He had a major freak out after he ate, just like clockwork.  Wow, was he mad.  We weren't really sure if we would ever calm him down. Then he slept for about 3 more hours and woke up happy again.  Phew!

What's new for Thomas developmentally? Well he has a few new tricks up his sleeve.  Grabbing his feet is an obvious one.  He's also a squealer now.  He squeals a LOT and it's so cute.  He loves to blow bubbles especially when he's being changed.  He just looks straight at you and makes repetitive toot noises.  It's very funny.  He also reaches for and grasps for things.  He's not rolling over yet.  He used to like tummy time but now he's not a fan anymore.  So we'll just have to keep working on that.  I know he can roll over.  He has the muscles to do it. He just doesn't really like it. I think it scares him a little.  But truly we don't need to rush the rolling over just yet.  He'll do it when he's ready.  Plus I'm enjoying the immobility while I can.  :)

Happy Four Month Birthday Thomas!

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