Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not Suitable for Work or Children

If you are offended by cusswords, you will want to stop reading IMMEDIATELY!!

Okay for those of you that are not squares, I hope this makes your day.  

I had heard of this book.  I didn't realize that it was a children's book though. I thought it was going to be some sort of instruction manual on getting kids to go to sleep.  You know, the kind that disguise themselves as something REALLY funny on the cover and then it's just the same old boring crap on the inside.  A lot of pregnancy books claim to be so hilarious like this but are really teary eyed recounts of their childbirthing experiences.  

So when I read the title of "Go the **** to Sleep" I thought it was too good to be true.  It's not.  Check it out.  They couldn't have picked a better person to read for this.  Seriously, genius.  (Cusswords aplenty so BEWARE! Not for work environments! You can't say I didn't warn you.)

The audio version is free for now on if you're interested.  Just don't buy it to play for your kids.  These are not words that kids should be repeating.  

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