Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just for the Taste of it Part Deux

(The blogging has been on hold for a bit due to many factors so here's a catch up post or two.)

Can't get enough of those "Tastes." Last weekend Tommy and I went to the Taste of Rensselaer with my parents.  People laugh when we say that, asking if there are enough restaurants in Rensselaer to put on a "Taste".  Well SURE! There were probably about 10-15 tents set up.  It was cozy.  There was a beer garden and tent for the bands.  (There was even a barbershop quartet walking around.  Heehee!)

But Suckerpunch (Like them on Facebook!) was playing and we don't like to miss a Suckerpunch show! (My parents actually went to see them the night before at the Taste of Crown Point.  It was their biggest show yet. Also, this is the band my dad plays with occasionally.)

Anywho, Tommy really enjoyed himself.

He liked listening to Suckerpunch.

Suckerpunch enjoyed playing for the crowds and crowds of adoring fans.  (Each girl in the picture counts as a crowd.)

Grandma enjoyed showing Little Man off.

Which is why the diaper bag rode in the stroller, instead of Tommy.

But Tommy did get some stroller time...
I'm pretty sure he pointed his toes the entire time.  He's just telling people where to push him.  That-a-way, please!

The Taste of Rensselaer was lovely.  We had good food and a good time.

And then there was THIS guy...

Some guy that looked like Grizzly Adams brought his baby raccoons to the Taste.  He was not holding them.  They really were cuddled up in his BEARD!  I think this guy was cooking food!!! YUM, right?

Well, anyway, a good time was had by all.  Even the baby raccoons.

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