Monday, November 5, 2012

Boilermaker Basketball!

Tommy went to his second Purdue basketball game last week.  The first time he was a babe so he doesn't quite remember it.  
For the second game experience, we went to Scotty's for dinner before the game.  The way the table and high chairs were set up, this was as close as we could get him to the table.  He still surprisingly ate all his dinner even though he could barely reach it.  

Then it was game time! 

 For the first half, Tommy sat on Steph's lap (or Teef as Tommy says).

 Tommy was really excited about the game.  He loved clapped along with the crowd.

He pointed out Purdue Pete the whole night, even when he was clear across Mackey he would always find him.  He would wave and say "Hi Pete!" THEN!! He came up to our section! Tommy was a little freaked out but he still waved at him when he was that close.

 Then he came down and gave Tommy a high five and a fist bump. Tommy was stoked!

 Then Ol' Pete performed a guitar solo in our section on his hammer.

 Travis and his mustache came to visit our section.

Tommy and Dada enjoying the game

 Tommy and Mama cheesing for the camera
 This picture cracks me up. He just sitting there smiling to himself. Kiddo LOVES Purdue basketball.

Group pic!

Tommy was SOOO GOOD during this game.  It was awesome. In fact, I didn't even say anything until the game was over because I didn't want to jinx it.   Thanks for impressing all our game seat neighbors, Tommy.  I see a big time Purdue fan in the making!

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