Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dinner with our friend, Brian

A couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to go to dinner with Brian Cardinal.  Some of you readers may not know who he is (because I'm WORLDWIDE, Folks!!).  Brian was a player at our ol' Purdue University.  Then he went on to the NBA and played for few different teams before retiring to a more regular life in Indiana just recently. 

He tweeted a picture of us.  We felt super cool. He told some great stories about Gene Keady and playing for Purdue.  He was a really funny and extremely nice to us nerdy fans.  :-) 

I'm keeping this short because I could go on and on with super dorky anecdotes but that might bore you.  The only thing you need to know is that he can take a good ribbing and give it right back to you.  Also, he was nice enough to come over to our seats during the Purdue game and say a casual hello.  I couldn't go to the game that night but boy, did Andrew enjoy that.  Everybody sitting around them said, "OMG, that's Brian Cardinal."  Our seat neighbors must be asking "Who ARE These people?" after seeing us sit in the gold seats, have a fully uniformed officer come over to talk to us every game, and being visited by Brian Cardinal.  I guess we're just something special. :)

I don't have time to talk about all the funny articles I found on Brian Cardinal, I will just link to them so you can read them in your spare time.  This one is possibly true on how he got a big contract.  This is about his twitter presence getting him in trouble.  This post has a super quick reference to his foul shot ritual.  Sadly, that was the ONLY thing I could find on that.  Oh wait, just kidding.  Here's another one from a former Ohio State player talking about the foul shot ritual. Hilarious.  We know why he did it!!!! Oohhh secrets!!

Anyway, super exciting night for true Purdue fans.  Plus he was a really interesting person to talk to.  Double bonus! Thanks for dinner, our new friend Brian.  (I totally hope he googles himself and finds this, by the way. :-) 

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