Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tommy's Valentine's Day party at school was a success.  I busted out the Cricut and made some little valentines for his classmates.  

I was going to personalize them with each kid's name but, yeah, who has time for that??? :-) 

 I was "that mom" this year.  I made his valentines. Heehee.  I can't imagine what the other moms thought.  Probably the same thing I thought of them (I mean who has time to put together a package with a coloring book, crayons, fruit snacks and other fun stuff... oh no, she's probably just like ME!!).  All the kids in the class are 'only children' by the way so apparently ALL the moms have time for that kind of stuff. :-) They all did something cute and nice for all 5 kids.  It was awesome.  Plus since Tommy can't eat chocolate, guess who got to eat it instead??
This is the valentine I sent to Andrew for Valentine's Day.  He texted me back, "I ******* love batman! And you too of course."  Ha!

Lately Tommy hasn't been much of a fan of getting his picture taken so I haven't been able to blog much.  Hopefully that changes soon.  Or maybe he's already becoming a teenager! Oh no!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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