The Columbian Park Zoo opened up at the end of April and we finally were able to make our way over for a visit.
Gotta love the Wallabees!Tommy sure does! As long as they stay away from him. :-)
Grandma stepped in when he didn't want to get his picture taken by the otter statues. The real otters were super active that day but I didn't get any pictures.
Time for a climb on a frog break!
It took him awhile to get used to the free range goats in the petting zoo. They were not shy and it kinda freaked Tommy out a bit.
Plus who would want to mess with a tiny baby goat who can climb on a stump that high?? Yikes! They also tried to eat my jacket whenever I got close to them. Crazy goats.
He finally warmed up to them and actually petted a couple goats by the end of our visit. Success!
Break time to drive an old bumper car!
We always forget about our dang zoo. We really need to take advantage of it more often! Hopefully we have some time this summer to visit more.