Saturday, July 13, 2013

First Movie for Tommy Hawk

We made a rash decision to take Tommy to see Monsters University at the movie theatre today.  We experimented by watching Monsters Inc first at home and it didn't go well so I'm not really sure why we thought this would go well.  
 I wanted to take his picture on the way to the theater but of course his natural response is, "I don't want to smile!"  Good sign!

 We brought our own snacks for T-man, of course: kettle korn (no butter!), grapes, and veggie straws.

 Things were going wonderfully at the beginning! Family movie time! I was so excited! He even curled up on Dada's lap for a good portion of the movie.  We thought it was going to be a really great experience.

Then about 45 minutes into the movie, he did NOT want to sit still anymore.  He also wanted to talk loudly, stand in the aisles, then he threw a fit when we wanted him to stop.  A really loud screaming fit in a dark small movie theatre.  He was promptly removed by me.  Dada followed shortly.

Yay First Movie!! 

In fact, of all 3 places we went that day, he had to be carried out screaming from all of them. Yay terrible twos! But the Chickfila experience was not his fault.  Some jerky 8 year old was picking on Tommy until he cried in the play place where we couldn't get to him. So that was awesome.
Parents! You have to be present with your kid in the play place so they don't act like a-holes like that kid.  Grrrr.  Or maybe just don't raise an a-hole kid.  How about that?

Anyway, what a wonderful day we had.  Hoping tomorrow is a better day. 

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps just dont raise an ahole of kid that picks on others. Clearly the parents dont want to be around him either.

    Good first attempt, we havent even tried yet!
