Wednesday, September 25, 2013

40 Weeks: A Little Late

That's 40 weeks, y'all.  Dang.  

40 weeks with Tommy.

Your Growing Baby

Congratulations - your baby is now fully formed and ready to be born.
(Everything else is just a super happy extra special bonus.  Hooray. Eyeroll.) 

Your Growing Belly

If your due date has come and gone, your pregnancy is officially post-date. If you're still pregnant two weeks from now, then your pregnancy will be post-term. Anywhere from three to twelve percent of pregnant women may go post-term. The good news is that the baby is going to come out at some point—the bad news is that it may be as much as two weeks from now.
In the meantime, your care provider will check your dilation (how open your cervix is, if at all) and effacement (how thick your cervix is), to try to predict when labor will begin. If you hit forty-two weeks, your doctor will assess your health with a non-stress test and may use ultrasound to see if your baby has enough amniotic fluid. If your baby seems fine, you and your care provider can discuss when to schedule induction of labor. No matter what, one way or another, somehow, that baby's getting out!


I decided to stop working the Friday before my due date.  I worried it might be too early and that I might regret it but I ended up having a really wonderful week.
Wait, I take that back.  There was one bad thing that happened.  Tommy got into something at daycare and had a pretty bad allergic reaction.  But we administered the proper meds and he was fine within half an hour so that was good.  His new teachers now know what it's like so I guess if anything came out of it, that would be one good thing.
Anyway, the 40th week was great other than that.
-I got my hair did. Thanks Steph!
-I got some super quality time with Tommy T.  I got to see him fall asleep during dinner.  That was hilarious.

We took Tommy to Jump It one evening.  Tommy's Godmother Traci told us that if we go during the week after work, it's hardly busy at all.  It was awesome! He pretty much had the whole place to himself!
 This little booger has gotten so independent.  It's incredible.  He wasn't afraid to climb anything!

 He tried everything! He had so much fun.  $5 for almost 2 hours.  Can't beat that!

He also had his own unique way to do everything!

During the week, I also got some nesting done.
-I cleaned out the bathroom.
-I also organized Tommy's toy bins.  Because that was a good use of my time.  It will totally stay organized for more than a week, I'm sure. :) 

-I altered a pair of maternity pants. 
I had a pair of maternity jeans from when I was pregnant with Tommy that were a little out of style but they were comfortable.  Comfort in the 40th week is definitely my top priority. So here they are.  Baggy pants to skinny jeans! Nice toilet shot! :) 

So I honestly was very busy all week and it went really fast. I was feeling pretty decent too so that was a huge plus.  
Full term at 40 weeks! I'm so lucky to make it to my due date.  ;-) 

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