Saturday, October 5, 2013

FaceTime with Grandpa

My dad wanted to FaceTime with Tommy this week so he could see the corn being harvested.

 For some reason, Tommy had no pants on.  I don't remember why.

 Grandpa showed him the whole process from picking the corn to dumping it in the semi.  He watched for a little bit. He was pretty excited to see Grandpa.

But our neighbor had just stopped by and dropped off a Thomas the Train puzzle so he was a little distracted.

My mom and I were cracking up because we kept getting this close up of my dad's face.  I would imagine it's pretty hard to drive a combine, pick corn, unload it in the semi AND FaceTime all at the same time so we have to give him a break. :-) 
How impressive is my dad with his tech-savviness though?? Way to go, dad!

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