Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Gaga's Movie 2016!

We took the kids up to see Gaga's movie again this year, or her spring musical, if you will. (We have done this before) It was Once Upon a Mattress.  Charlotte was excited about princesses and Tommy loves anything with a story.
 We checked into our hotel and the kids just love laying on all floors all the time.  Hotel hallway floors, check.

 High school hallway floors, check.

 High school hallways in front of ladies walking by, check. They give zero cares.

 Seriously, what is Charlotte doing?? Why do my little weirdos like laying on floors???

But anyway, they also liked the show.  Charlotte did pretty well.  We took a break and were able to catch it on the TVs in the cafeteria.  (Posted this pic specifically to remember Charlotte's cowlick.)

 We also spent some time in the bathroom.  If she knew the song, "I'm so pretty" she would have been singing it to the mirror.

 After the show, Tommy got his picture with the queen.  He liked her because she was the bad guy, of course.

But then we got to see the real star of the show.  The reigning queen and her kingdom. :) We don't know how many more musicals we will get to see under this queen's reign but we always enjoy the magic while we can. 

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