Saturday, October 29, 2016

Ninja Warrior Class

 Tommy took up a new endeavor recently.  He started a Ninja Warrior Class at Elite Air.  For boys with lots of energy, It. Is. Awesome.  The coach is really great.  He keeps them busy climbing, jumping, and rolling for an entire hour.   
Now he can even do Wall Stands!  The reason we signed up for the class is because Tommy's best bud from last year, Cooper, is also in the class.  Then we found out one of Andrew's fraternity brother's kids are in the class too.  Small world!

The boys and one girl absolutely love it.  I kinda wish they had it for adults.  It looks so fun.

The last thing they do in each class is the Warped Wall (just like on American Ninja Warrior).

Turns out the secret is you just keep running all the way up.  I don't get it but I haven't tried it.  Apparently it works because every single kid can do it!

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