Thursday, June 17, 2010

Craigslist is apparently the best thing since sliced bread

I get home from work and this is the first thing I see...

Oh, it's you.

Andrew needed pads and whatever else hockey players use for his game on Sunday night.  He was going to go to Kalamazoo to go to some giant hockey store to get some stuff but he found all that you can see above on Craigslist for less than a fifth of what his buddy spent.  GOOD DEAL!

Andrew is going to skate for the second time on Friday night before his game on Sunday.  He's wearing those weird looking pants to open skate. 

I think I may act like I don't know him.  


  1. He looks like one of those guys that train police dogs, lol.

  2. Brandon, you are SO right! I am not sure what the appropriate response is to seeing that hockey dude in your kitchen when you get home.... pretty sure I would have wet myself a little!

  3. What a dooooousch!!! Although I am a wee bit jealous he gets to play hockey. He looks like a character from Left 4 Dead
