Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Warrant Has Been Issued For My Arrest!!

Yes, that's right, folks.  Someone in the lovely community of South Bend has issued a warrant for my arrest.  I knew I should have been more careful about moving here!!

(Yes, I totally used a picture from my Disney trip.  That is the Buzz Lightyear ride.)

Actually, I'm being "arrested" for a wonderful cause.  An anonymous person (I will find out who you are) dropped my name to the MDA Lockup Event, thinking I would be a great person to go out and get donations.  A police officer will be visiting my work place to cuff me and haul me away to the Morris Bistro (or "jail") where I will meet other pillars of the community (Yes, that is why I was picked, because I'm a pillar of the community already. Who woulda thunk it?), eat some great food, and enjoy an hour away from the office.  The hard part is right now.  I have to find people to donate money so that I can raise bail of $1300!!! YOWZA!!
So I'm a little worried.  I would like to get out of "jail"!

To donate to this great cause, you can go to


 and donate directly from my homepage.  Every donation is tax deductible and every little bit counts.  Also, if I'm one of the "Top Jailbirds" (one of the top donation earners), I will invited to appear on the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon on Fox 28.  How exciting is that??

So please have a heart for Jerry's Kids! Donate and pass the word on! I know tax time is in the back of your mind right now (seeing that April 15th was only 2 months ago) but I know you will want to have some deductions for your 2010 tax year!!!

Here is where your money could go:

Contribution       Services

$30                      Flu Shot

$74                     One minute of research

$100                   One support group session

$150                   One occupational, physical, respiratory or speech
                           therapy consultation

$300                   Professional fees related to initial diagnostic
                           work-up at an MDA clinic

$500                   Annual repairs of durable medical equipment

$800                   Week at MDA summer camp for one child

So please donate to this great cause! You can make a difference!

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