Tommy went Trick or Treating twice on Halloween. He trick or treated at my office first.
I picked him up from school early so I could bring him back to work. They had their Halloween party at school that day.
Oh dear Lord, the cuteness! I feel like his teacher arranged the class artistically by color or something! Or maybe I'm blinded by the cuteness.
Here's his solo pic. Aww our little Thomasaurus!
They carved a pumpkin at school.
Like my mom said, "I can't believe they got him to stick his hand in there!" :-)
So anyway, back to visiting my office... Tommy was shy at first until someone gave him Oreos.
Then he had no trouble taking over as Boss. *Wiggle those feet, Tommy T.*
That night we went to four houses in the neighborhood. Tommy's favorite part was dragging his metal pail (Thanks Goldmans! Can you believe that was a year ago?) along the road. Our neighbors really treated Tommy. They filled his bucket to the top and only 3 neighbors were actually home. Aww! That was nice of them.
I swear we don't let him walk alone in the neighborhood. I cropped Andrew out of the picture.
It took us 20 minutes to walk to the first house because he wanted to walk very slow and throw his pail every few steps.
Watch out!
This is Tommy eating pretzels while handing out candy later that night.
Note to self for next year: Don't buy two gallons of candy because you only have a total of 15 trick or treaters all night.
Happy Halloween!