We are nuts. We decided to take our family of four to the Purdue game tonight. What were we thinking?? But actually it turned out pretty well.

Charlotte got all dolled up for her first game.

There was trick or treating with the athletes before the game so Tommy wore his lion costume.

He was very shy asking for candy from strangers but he was still a cute little charmer.

Then we went to the game. Tommy started to dig in the candy loot. Dumdum suckers are his fave!

He wore his costume to the game!! (For a few minutes then he wanted out.)

Charlotte rode along in the Moby and was fairly well behaved. She didn't want to sit still though, of course.

This is how most of the game went. Just kidding. Caught a bad moment. It actually went surprisingly well. Tommy was squirmy. But he was a trooper!! So was Charlotte!

We made it to the end of the game! Holy moly! We all look exhausted.

On the way through campus as we walked to the car, we stopped at what I think was called the Purdue flame monument or something. Tommy loved it because it looked like lava.

Then Andrew showed Tommy where he played basketball with Mr. Cardinal. Speaking of Brian, how often do you get to kick an NBA player out of your seat? I got to do that tonight!! Hey that's my seat, buddy! I wish I would have taken a picture. Charlotte had many firsts tonight! Meeting BC, kicking him out of our seat, going to a Purdue game, nursing in a bathroom stall... The list goes on and on.

We all had an exhaustingly awesome time. Tommy got a ball that they threw out at the game. You can see he likes it so much, he's sleeping with it!
Happy First Purdue B-ball game, Charlotte!
(Do you remember
Tommy's first b-ball game? Got started a little earlier this time.)
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