HERE WE GO! We decided it would be fun to drive around the neighborhood and stalk our neighbors' Christmas lights like they had just wrecked into a tree and let their families down with multiple transgressions.
We drove very quickly because we felt incredibly awkward taking pictures of people's houses at night but I've gotten to the point where I would do anything for a blog post. Yikes. So quick driving and slow shutter speeds equal slightly blurry pictures but come on! You are staying inside your home to look at Christmas lights on the internet!
(But haven't we all??)
Anyway, on with the show...
Feel free to critique, by the way. These snowflakes are a little sloppy but they have their ladder sitting outside their house like they might fix them. Still waiting...
From my pictures, it's difficult to tell if that's Winnie the Pooh or a Snowman. Pooh and Christmas usually go hand in hand!

I thought these were quite lovely. Lots of hard work. I don't know how people have the time... (Oh wait, weren't we just driving around the neighborhood for the blogpost? Hypocrite WIN!)
That deer is trying to escape. Almost got it, lil' buddy!
I was impressed by these trees! Someone had to PAY someone else to put them up there! Wow!!
Yes, these lights are very pretty but seeing them in small pictures just doesn't do them justice.
These too! These are so very nice!
These trees are on the side of someone's house. Also very nice but we felt people might be calling the police so we had to Book 'em, Danno.
The Griswalds moved in last week.
Actually that's not even close. Now if only it looked like this....
The other thing I like about our neighborhood is that it's Equal Opportunity. You can't really tell from the picture but this is an angel and two Stars of David.
That just goes to show you that no matter what religion you are, the holiday season is all about........
Hey, it's Tiger... I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you. So if you can, please take your name off that. Just have it as a number ... on the voicemail. You gotta do this for me. Huge. Quickly. Bye.
We did the same thing, but we did it for two reasons..
1. we were slackers and didnt put up lights this year, but I think we had a pretty good excuse why we had no time, ahem...Max
2. Sometimes the only thing that would stop lil Max from cryign was driving around, so I am sure we looked super creepy!!
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