I didn't say they would be good pictures!
Good Ol' Purdue Pete
My favorite player Smooge, or E'twuan, as people other than his mom call him
Notice how I took a lot of free throw pictures? It was really hard to take any action shots. You should see how many blurry pictures I have from the game.
The Paint Crew had some great signs at this game. These two say, "JaJuan some Moore?" and "Hart Be My Valentine". I saw one sign that someone held up for maybe 30 seconds when Patrick Bade (Bay-dee) subbed into the game. It said, "Patrick 'The Master' Bade".
The Paint Crew was also brutal with their taunts for the other team. Iowa's coach is Todd Lickliter. He used to coach for Butler. So the Paint crew chanted, "Butler's Better!" Also, his son John plays for the team. They chanted "Who's Your Daddy?" and "Someone's Grounded" near the end of the game when John was playing. Wow. Brutal. And yet, creative.
Hey check out Matt Painter reading cue cards for the Donate Life Campaign!
Come on Matty! Fake that you are actually talking to us on the big screen! Look up!
Seems like the drum has grown and the outfit has shrunk.
Well according to this picture anyway...
After the game we went to B-Dubs (surprisingly people up here in the north are unfamiliar with this place, I had no idea!) and met the Lower Bros and Traci and Matt.
It was a very fun Saturday night in West Lafayette. If you missed the game, here are some highlights from the video board including a MONSTER JAM by E'twuan.
On Sunday we watched MORE SPORTS. We went to Cec's tournament at her school.
See? It was just like watching the Boilers.
As Brandon has mentioned before, Cec comes from a long line of cheerleaders so of course she's already highly talented at 10 years old.
Starting line up
All School Cheer- look at that arm placement! (My fellow cheerleaders will know what I'm talking about!)
And now the video. Seriously, these girls are like 10-12 years old. I didn't start cheerleading until I was 13 and boy was I awkward. They are little and quite good.
Here are the lil' girls before the game. They are EXCITED to see some St. James Tournament ACTION!!!
Even Brian got in on some Sports Action this weekend by chewing on a plastic bat. Good for him.
So there ya go. It's my attempt at a Sports-filled Sports Post. Sporty McSportersons. :)
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