(Let's see how many ways I can throw app into descriptive adjectives! Fun game!)
Anyway, I found out about another photography app for the iPhone. It's incr-app-able. (That one sucked.)
It's called Tiny Planet. It's sooo cool. Look at the art I created.
This was a picture of the Capitol building in Washington DC.
This is that same picture. Now the Capitol building looks like a seashell.
Brian looks like a gremlin.
Now he looks like a cat.
Or jackrabbit?
This was a picture of beer bottles from another life of mine. I can't even remember what beer tastes like!!! Just kidding.
Same picture, reversed.
This one makes me think of "My precious..."
Pretty darn cool. Apperiffic. :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Happy Easter!
Tommy would like to wish you a Happy Easter!
Here he is on his way to church in his Sunday Best!
(Yes, I love Hello Dolly! and Wall-E. Only fitting that I quote it.)
And no, I did not take my son to have his picture taken with the Easter bunny. That's not for me. I know a lot of people do it. But they creep me out. I mean just LOOK! Yikers! (Also reference the movie Donnie Darko. Yeesh.)
So we did Easter pictures the Thornburg way...
Here he is on his way to church in his Sunday Best!
(Yes, I love Hello Dolly! and Wall-E. Only fitting that I quote it.)
And no, I did not take my son to have his picture taken with the Easter bunny. That's not for me. I know a lot of people do it. But they creep me out. I mean just LOOK! Yikers! (Also reference the movie Donnie Darko. Yeesh.)
So we did Easter pictures the Thornburg way...
Happy Easter!
Lindsey's Shower
This weekend was very busy for us but we'll start with the first event. Lindsey's Shower!
Lindsey and I go way back. I mean WAAYYY back. Lindsey, now that I know you read this blog, you're gonna be sorry! :)
How far back do Lindsey and I go? If I had the picture of us getting our first communion together, I would post it but I don't. But what do I have???????
My middle school scrapbook!!! (This scrapbook really prepared me for the blogging world.)
Here's a fun page to start with. You can click for a closer look. SOOOOO funny.
Anyway, Lindsey is having a BABY! So I went to her baby shower on Saturday.
Lindsey's mom is a professional decorator and she decorated our wedding...
So of course her baby shower was going to be decorated well. Boy, was it ever!
The chairs had covers! Amazing!
There were lit candelabras!
Everyone had a rhinestone bracelet (the little girls got tiaras) wrapped around their cloth napkins that we could take home.
That wasn't the only party favor. We also got cute little gift bags!
There was a fabulous dessert bar. The middle one is a shot glass of cotton candy! Sweet! (Literally!)
Lindsey got a whole lotta loot!
Including a "Hooter Hider" nursing cover. Hilarious!
All that paper made quite a mess.
We got the obligatory high school girls shot. Doesn't Lindsey look cute?
Then we got a picture of the "Princes of the Party". I think it was a little too much pink for Tommy. :)
Happy Shower, Lindsey! Can't wait for your little 'Junebug' to get here !!
Lindsey and I go way back. I mean WAAYYY back. Lindsey, now that I know you read this blog, you're gonna be sorry! :)
How far back do Lindsey and I go? If I had the picture of us getting our first communion together, I would post it but I don't. But what do I have???????
My middle school scrapbook!!! (This scrapbook really prepared me for the blogging world.)
Here's a fun page to start with. You can click for a closer look. SOOOOO funny.
So anyway, here's a picture from back in the day when I brought Lindsey along with my family to some amusement park. I'm not sure which one it is right now. (Six Flags? Cedar Point? Kings Island? No idea.) If anyone can recognize it, let me know.
But this is my brother Adam, Lindsey and me. Nice Blossom hat, GEEK! Lindsey looks thrilled to be sitting next to two huge Keiper dorks. :) Anyway, Lindsey is having a BABY! So I went to her baby shower on Saturday.
Lindsey's mom is a professional decorator and she decorated our wedding...
So of course her baby shower was going to be decorated well. Boy, was it ever!
The chairs had covers! Amazing!
There were lit candelabras!
Everyone had a rhinestone bracelet (the little girls got tiaras) wrapped around their cloth napkins that we could take home.
That wasn't the only party favor. We also got cute little gift bags!
There was a fabulous dessert bar. The middle one is a shot glass of cotton candy! Sweet! (Literally!)
Lindsey got a whole lotta loot!
Including a "Hooter Hider" nursing cover. Hilarious!
All that paper made quite a mess.
We got the obligatory high school girls shot. Doesn't Lindsey look cute?
Then we got a picture of the "Princes of the Party". I think it was a little too much pink for Tommy. :)
Happy Shower, Lindsey! Can't wait for your little 'Junebug' to get here !!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
That's Apptastic!
I found out about a new iPhone app! It's called PicFX. Yes, of course it's another photography app. Yes, people may get sick of them but I personally love them.

I call this piece of art Galactic Rock Star.

This is just a great picture so I didn't add as many effects. What do you think he's proselytizing about?

No one would ever crinkle up a pic this cute!

Hmm... What should I call this one? Crack baby??
Yeah not so much.
Thanks Dooce!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I call this piece of art Galactic Rock Star.

This is just a great picture so I didn't add as many effects. What do you think he's proselytizing about?

No one would ever crinkle up a pic this cute!

Hmm... What should I call this one? Crack baby??
Yeah not so much.
Thanks Dooce!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I can has cheezbaby?
Hipster Tommy looks a little depressed.
Oh and if you are unfamiliar with the memes of this blogpost, try catching up with icanhascheezburger, failblog, etc.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
He likes books!
Tommy just recently became very fond of books. Talk about excited! I couldn't even read all the words before he wanted to turn the page.
Until I can get Tommy's video embedded, here is a link instead
My favorite parts are 1.) the long squeal and 2.) when he looks up and realizes Andrew is recording him and he throws his hands up in the air like I'M CAUGHT!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Until I can get Tommy's video embedded, here is a link instead
My favorite parts are 1.) the long squeal and 2.) when he looks up and realizes Andrew is recording him and he throws his hands up in the air like I'M CAUGHT!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tommy is Good at Spitting Up
Before we grilled out this weekend, Andrew was holding Tommy when all the sudden he made a sound and then he heard a SPLAT.
But not without getting it all over dad first.
What a stinker!
It's definitely not the first time. Or the last.
I think he's done it to pretty much everyone in our family at some point or another. If not, watch out! He's coming to get ya!
Too School For Cool
Wow, I never thought I'd quote a P!nk song on my blog.
We went shopping for bottles and diapers this weekend at Target. (Two trips in one weekend is very normal for us. Ugh, that dang Target.) We can't go to Target and not buy stuff for Tommy.
What did we find this week?
Instant rock star status!
Look at that face! How could you not buy ridiculous amounts of crap for him??
We went shopping for bottles and diapers this weekend at Target. (Two trips in one weekend is very normal for us. Ugh, that dang Target.) We can't go to Target and not buy stuff for Tommy.
What did we find this week?
Instant rock star status!
Look at that face! How could you not buy ridiculous amounts of crap for him??
4 Months Old!
Today Tommy had his 4 month appointment. He surprised me this morning with the biggest blow-out yet.
I don't think he got any actual poop in his diaper. Just incredible. He's like, "THAT is what you get for the shots I'm about to get today." Well played, Tommy T.
We arrive at the doctor and wait... and wait and wait and wait. We didn't bring more than one toy and Tommy got sick of that quickly so we found other things for him to play with.
Baby magazines! He loved looking at the pictures of the babies and then ripping the crap out of the page.
"Take THAT, ad-for-jogging-stroller!" I think he was working out a lot of pre-shot rage.
Once we were finally called back, the nurse took him straight to the scale. We had to take off his wet diaper. Apparently it's just the opposite of wrestling weigh-ins. No extra heavy diaper throwing off your weight an extra 0.2 oz!
(Yes, that's a little Easter egg modesty patch.) She also measured his height and his head size. She wrote it down on a post-it for us, thank goodness. I always almost forget.
Tommy's stats:
Height: 24 7/8 inches long, 51%
Weight: 15 lbs 2.5 oz, 58%
Head: 16.5 inches, 41%
So he went from long and skinny to very average and teensy bit tubby. HAHA! Not really. He's perfectly normal and average and right where he should be. So that's good to know.
After the measurements, the nurse left and we waited for the doctor to come in.
I snapped a quick pic of father and son bonding time.
The doctor finally came in and talked to us about rice cereal, his rash, his next appointments, etc. He also quoted a study that said that boys who are breastfed for 6 months have higher IQs than those that don't. He said, "I'm not really sure what happened to the girls in that study... but I guess men need as much help as they can get." Ha! So only two more months to go! I still haven't decided if I'm going to continue after 6 months or not. I think I might actually miss it. It was so hard at first but now that I'm back at work and in a routine, it's much easier. I guess I will just decide when the time comes.
Then once again, the doctor skedaddled. He even made the comment that he's glad the nurses give the shots. The nurse floated in with superfluous apologies. You could tell she hated this part of her job but she knew to finish posthaste. She was much more prompt than the last nurse. Tommy once again wailed like... well, like a baby. As soon as Andrew picked him up, he stopped. Then he ate and fell into a deep sleep.
He just now woke up like 2.5 hours later. He's in a great mood. He was last time too until something clicked and he freaked out. Hopefully we can keep that from happening this time. We'll see.
Edited to Add: We were right. He had a major freak out after he ate, just like clockwork. Wow, was he mad. We weren't really sure if we would ever calm him down. Then he slept for about 3 more hours and woke up happy again. Phew!
What's new for Thomas developmentally? Well he has a few new tricks up his sleeve. Grabbing his feet is an obvious one. He's also a squealer now. He squeals a LOT and it's so cute. He loves to blow bubbles especially when he's being changed. He just looks straight at you and makes repetitive toot noises. It's very funny. He also reaches for and grasps for things. He's not rolling over yet. He used to like tummy time but now he's not a fan anymore. So we'll just have to keep working on that. I know he can roll over. He has the muscles to do it. He just doesn't really like it. I think it scares him a little. But truly we don't need to rush the rolling over just yet. He'll do it when he's ready. Plus I'm enjoying the immobility while I can. :)
Happy Four Month Birthday Thomas!
I don't think he got any actual poop in his diaper. Just incredible. He's like, "THAT is what you get for the shots I'm about to get today." Well played, Tommy T.
We arrive at the doctor and wait... and wait and wait and wait. We didn't bring more than one toy and Tommy got sick of that quickly so we found other things for him to play with.
Baby magazines! He loved looking at the pictures of the babies and then ripping the crap out of the page.
"Take THAT, ad-for-jogging-stroller!" I think he was working out a lot of pre-shot rage.
Once we were finally called back, the nurse took him straight to the scale. We had to take off his wet diaper. Apparently it's just the opposite of wrestling weigh-ins. No extra heavy diaper throwing off your weight an extra 0.2 oz!
(Yes, that's a little Easter egg modesty patch.) She also measured his height and his head size. She wrote it down on a post-it for us, thank goodness. I always almost forget.
Tommy's stats:
Height: 24 7/8 inches long, 51%
Weight: 15 lbs 2.5 oz, 58%
Head: 16.5 inches, 41%
So he went from long and skinny to very average and teensy bit tubby. HAHA! Not really. He's perfectly normal and average and right where he should be. So that's good to know.
After the measurements, the nurse left and we waited for the doctor to come in.
I snapped a quick pic of father and son bonding time.
The doctor finally came in and talked to us about rice cereal, his rash, his next appointments, etc. He also quoted a study that said that boys who are breastfed for 6 months have higher IQs than those that don't. He said, "I'm not really sure what happened to the girls in that study... but I guess men need as much help as they can get." Ha! So only two more months to go! I still haven't decided if I'm going to continue after 6 months or not. I think I might actually miss it. It was so hard at first but now that I'm back at work and in a routine, it's much easier. I guess I will just decide when the time comes.
Then once again, the doctor skedaddled. He even made the comment that he's glad the nurses give the shots. The nurse floated in with superfluous apologies. You could tell she hated this part of her job but she knew to finish posthaste. She was much more prompt than the last nurse. Tommy once again wailed like... well, like a baby. As soon as Andrew picked him up, he stopped. Then he ate and fell into a deep sleep.
He just now woke up like 2.5 hours later. He's in a great mood. He was last time too until something clicked and he freaked out. Hopefully we can keep that from happening this time. We'll see.
Edited to Add: We were right. He had a major freak out after he ate, just like clockwork. Wow, was he mad. We weren't really sure if we would ever calm him down. Then he slept for about 3 more hours and woke up happy again. Phew!
What's new for Thomas developmentally? Well he has a few new tricks up his sleeve. Grabbing his feet is an obvious one. He's also a squealer now. He squeals a LOT and it's so cute. He loves to blow bubbles especially when he's being changed. He just looks straight at you and makes repetitive toot noises. It's very funny. He also reaches for and grasps for things. He's not rolling over yet. He used to like tummy time but now he's not a fan anymore. So we'll just have to keep working on that. I know he can roll over. He has the muscles to do it. He just doesn't really like it. I think it scares him a little. But truly we don't need to rush the rolling over just yet. He'll do it when he's ready. Plus I'm enjoying the immobility while I can. :)
Happy Four Month Birthday Thomas!
The Second First Week
Tommy's first week at his new daycare was last week. I'm really happy they had an opening at this new place. Not only is it closer and less expensive (perfect timing for the fun new gas prices), but it's more personal.
The women of the church get together and sew blankets for all the new kids at daycare.
It's not just a baby blanket. It's massive!
It's very snuggly.
They sent it home along with a booklet of prayers and blessings.
That was sweet.
They send home reports cards just like the old place.
But we have to fill out the stuff at the top when we check him in. It's probably how they save money. Kinda like bagging your own groceries at Meijer. HA!
It's also good because they seem to pay more attention and care a little more than the old place. They were really worried about his rash. The old place didn't even mention it when I would come pick him up and his poor face would be totally flared up. So that has been nice.
He also napped really well which is incredible. He napped for at LEAST an hour 3 times each day. At the old place he napped anywhere between 5-20 minutes three times a day (Yes, they would write down a 5 minute nap. Probably just to show that they tried.). But Tommy was one of three total babies at the daycare that week. Most of them were gone on spring break. It was a good week to start. Now that the other kiddos are back, I hope he continues on his same napping schedule. That would be awesome. We shall see!
The women of the church get together and sew blankets for all the new kids at daycare.
It's not just a baby blanket. It's massive!
It's very snuggly.
They sent it home along with a booklet of prayers and blessings.
That was sweet.
They send home reports cards just like the old place.
But we have to fill out the stuff at the top when we check him in. It's probably how they save money. Kinda like bagging your own groceries at Meijer. HA!
It's also good because they seem to pay more attention and care a little more than the old place. They were really worried about his rash. The old place didn't even mention it when I would come pick him up and his poor face would be totally flared up. So that has been nice.
He also napped really well which is incredible. He napped for at LEAST an hour 3 times each day. At the old place he napped anywhere between 5-20 minutes three times a day (Yes, they would write down a 5 minute nap. Probably just to show that they tried.). But Tommy was one of three total babies at the daycare that week. Most of them were gone on spring break. It was a good week to start. Now that the other kiddos are back, I hope he continues on his same napping schedule. That would be awesome. We shall see!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Weekend at the Thornburgs
This weekend was beautiful FINALLY. We were able to go outside and not shiver. It was lovely.
We decided to take advantage and grilled out. We even ate outside!
We brought Tommy out in his bouncy seat. We had the XM Radio playing on the iPad. We had candles (Citronella, but they didn't really work). Steak, salads, baked potatoes, peas... YUM!
Tommy didn't really know what to think of the whole ordeal.
Brian was bad (barking at the neighbors) so he had to stay inside. "Maybe I can lick my way outside..."
Can you tell the wind was blowing? There's salt and pepper all over the table and my water glass.
The dang mosquitoes started to get really bad so we had to move it inside.
But it turned out to be a nice little Saturday evening at the Thornburgs.
We decided to take advantage and grilled out. We even ate outside!
We brought Tommy out in his bouncy seat. We had the XM Radio playing on the iPad. We had candles (Citronella, but they didn't really work). Steak, salads, baked potatoes, peas... YUM!
Tommy didn't really know what to think of the whole ordeal.
Brian was bad (barking at the neighbors) so he had to stay inside. "Maybe I can lick my way outside..."
Can you tell the wind was blowing? There's salt and pepper all over the table and my water glass.
The dang mosquitoes started to get really bad so we had to move it inside.
But it turned out to be a nice little Saturday evening at the Thornburgs.
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