You are looking live (Brent Musburger anyone?) at the progress we've made with potty training. Yes, we finally got him to sit on the toilet. That's it. Yeah, baby steps, but we are really excited. Look at how patient he is. He knows what is supposed to happen. Some of his classmates are working on it too.
He sat there for a few minutes. Finally he stood up and said, "It's not wokeeng" (working).
But seriously, we are so excited. Sensitive skin diapers are not cheap and we can't wait to trade them in for underpants (and about 20 diapers a day once the ladies arrive). Any progress is fantastic!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Easter Party 2013
In preparation for the Easter party today, Tommy's class used the water table to clean the Easter eggs. Those teachers are smart. Put those kids to work! Looks like they had fun doing it at least.
The Easter Party was today. She took individual pictures of the kids and sent them to us.
How did Owen miss that one on the chair!?! Good eye, Thornburg!
Here's what Miss Kristin said about the day:
The Easter Party was today. She took individual pictures of the kids and sent them to us.
How did Owen miss that one on the chair!?! Good eye, Thornburg!
Here's what Miss Kristin said about the day:
We had a great time looking for eggs in the church welcome area and then returned to our room to find that the Easter bunny left more in our room.Sounds like the kids had a super fun Easter party!
We did our gym time stretches before we went on the hunt and we did the bunny hop on the way to find the eggs. After all the eggs were found we watched the veggie tales "'Twas the Night Before Easter." We colored bunny pictures before lunch. After nap we had an Oreo snack and got special treats from me.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Hopefully the Last Snow?
Our largest snow storm of the winter was hopefully the last one. There was a lot of snow blowing to do to move all that snow from our driveway.
Tommy was right there with his mower, helping out dada.
Copying every move!
You can see the yahoos that tried to go uphill in their truck and got stuck on our road. There were 5 guys in that truck. At this point, they put 3 of the guys in the bed of the truck and told them to jump up and down to try to get traction with the rear tires. It never worked. They just slid all over the place and looked like fools. I finally walked over to them and told them to go down the hill and around to the other entrance of the neighborhood because it had been plowed. They were like, "Oh really?? No way. Ok we'll try that then."
Glad I could help, you crazy yahoos.
Tommy was right there with his mower, helping out dada.
You can see the yahoos that tried to go uphill in their truck and got stuck on our road. There were 5 guys in that truck. At this point, they put 3 of the guys in the bed of the truck and told them to jump up and down to try to get traction with the rear tires. It never worked. They just slid all over the place and looked like fools. I finally walked over to them and told them to go down the hill and around to the other entrance of the neighborhood because it had been plowed. They were like, "Oh really?? No way. Ok we'll try that then."
Glad I could help, you crazy yahoos.
The Last Purdue Basketball Game of the Season
Oh thank heavens, the season was finally put out of its misery. We attended Purdue's final game of the ever popular CBI tourney. So exciting!
We ate some food before the game and played with the... I don't remember what that's called... the Ups Calculator?? Jump Measurerer?? But anyway, Tommy loved it. Do it again, Dada!We tried to get him to pose like the life sized version of a Robbie Hummel cutout. This is Tommy's wingspan. Superman style!
We had 6 seats and 2 of them were higher up so we traded around during the game. Andrew and Tommy were the only ones that stayed in the lower seats the whole game. Of course when my mom and I were sitting in the top seats, Purdue Pete finally came to visit Tommy. He was SO excited. You would think one of those guys would have thought to take a picture but alas, they did not.
This is Tommy right before Purdue Pete came walking up. He already had his hand out ready to give a high five. He was ready!
After he got to see Purdue Pete, I walked down to their section. Tommy gave a quick thumbs up just in time for the pic. Too cute!
Nicknames for the Twins
So we're going to have lots of fun with the dear ol' duo. We need nicknames for the ladies. Something to call them until we decide on official names. We need something more concrete than Baby A or Twin B. It would be nice if they had A and B names but we like fun female duos better than that.
My mom's fave, obvi.
3.) Romy and Michelle
Whoops, how did that pic get in here?
6.) Tia and Tamara (and Tommy, Oh my!)
(I Seriously had that EXACT hat and I can PROVE IT! Man I RULED the 90s)
I think they want you to pick them! Yikes!
9.) Got a better idea? Prove it!

It has to be names that when we say them, people will automatically know that they are nicknames. Now post your vote in the comments. All comments have to go through an approval process (I get lotso spam comments cuz I'm awesome). Post as many votes as you want, as the saying goes, "Vote Early, Vote Often!"
Here are some examples and then I'll put it to a vote.
1.) Wilma and Betty
My mom's fave, obvi.
2.) Thelma and Louise
4.) Laverne and Shirley
Whoops, how did that pic get in here?
5.) Blossom and Six (Kind of a stretch)
6.) Tia and Tamara (and Tommy, Oh my!)
(I Seriously had that EXACT hat and I can PROVE IT! Man I RULED the 90s)
7.) Mary-Kate and Ashley
I think they want you to pick them! Yikes!
8.) Lucy and Ethel
9.) Got a better idea? Prove it!

It has to be names that when we say them, people will automatically know that they are nicknames. Now post your vote in the comments. All comments have to go through an approval process (I get lotso spam comments cuz I'm awesome). Post as many votes as you want, as the saying goes, "Vote Early, Vote Often!"
And just so you know, my vote counts as a gazillion so I overrule all if you guys pick something I don't like. What did you expect? My blog, my rules! This isn't a Blogocracy, this is a MORGTATORSHIP! Now go vote for your favorite duo!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Where are you, SPRING??
Seriously, when is spring going to get here? He wants so badly to be outside alllllllll the time. Today it was warm enough to be outside for a little bit. He cries when he has to go inside. I feel so bad for him. So how about it, mother nature? Why not think about warming up? Just for Tommy T? Pretty please?
14 Weeks: We've Got More News
So the pregnancy has been going pretty well. I've been sick like last time, much more tired than last time and I feel bigger than last time. All sounds very normal. At my 10 week appointment, the midwife said you're measuring larger but that's pretty normal for a second pregnancy. At my 14 week appointment on Thursday, the doctor measured me and said, "You're measuring much larger. Have you felt movements?" I answered kind of but it's hard to tell. Then she says the words, "Do twins run in your family?" I answer, "Well actually, yes they do."
My Great Grandma Stevens was a twin and my Grandma May had twins (my aunt Karen and uncle Kevin). Soooooo skipping a generation, it had been a minor worry of mine but I wasn't really thinking much about it. She heard the one heartbeat the first time so I thought we were golden.
The doctor quickly squeezed us in for an ultrasound and lo and behold, there were TWO BABIES. TWO. BABIES. IN. MY. BELLY. OMG.
They couldn't keep us long but they wanted us to come back shortly for a more in-depth ultrasound in about a half hour due to other appointments that were already scheduled. So we waited in the waiting room and excitedly notified our family and friends. It was completely shocking and overwhelming.
We went back to the room in about a half hour. She started with what they call Twin A. Twin A is the one that is closest to the cervix and will come out first. Twin A was a little showoff. Posing, waving, kicking, playing. What a character! Heartbeat was about the 150s. She said she could tell us her best guess on the sex if we wanted. We agreed. She took a close look and guessed Girl. She moved on to Twin B and Twin A kept popping up in the picture. You could see her hand occasionally like she was saying, "Don't forget about me! Take MY picture!" Twin B was also in 150s for heartbeat. She took a guess that the way each one was formed, the size and measurements, etc, that they were identical!! TWO GIRLS? Whoa.
She finished the ultrasound and mentioned something about swelling before leaving the room to go get the doctor. The doctor came and explained that she was concerned about the swelling around Twin B's brain and spine. Also the baby was a week behind in development compared to A. She went through a terrible, horrible list of things she thought it could be. She referred us to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist that comes to Lafayette once a month. We will be seeing the specialist in a month to find out what exactly is going on with Baby B. Shocked and terrified, we left the office and both took the day off to digest this information.
I think I can safely say that we both went through a range of emotions that day while trying to figure out how we were feeling about all of this. By the end of the day, we decided there was nothing to do but wait and be hopeful. And try to stay offline (impossible.)
Because seriously, what else can you do? It's scary and all we have to do is WAIT. A month is an eternity in this situation. Friends and family have been super supportive which is hugely helpful.
I came home from work today to some beautiful flowers from some beautiful friends. Damn, you girls are FAST!
So for now until we have reason not to, it's time to celebrate. Twins, ahem, identical twins (if the ultrasound tech wasn't wrong) are pretty much a miracle. They are not genetic. They are pure luck and happenstance. Another miracle (or just plain good luck) is that each twin has its own placenta so it is less likely that there will be TTTS where one takes the blood supply from the other.
So as disappointing as it first was for me to grasp, this pregnancy/labor/delivery is going to be entirely different from the first one. I think unless you have a horrible experience, most mothers want a similar experience the second time around because familiarity is very comforting. But I'm embracing it and trying to best prepare myself for the craziness that is ahead.
I have to post a week by week picture too, as much as I've been fighting it. But you have to see the difference between the two pregnancies.
My Great Grandma Stevens was a twin and my Grandma May had twins (my aunt Karen and uncle Kevin). Soooooo skipping a generation, it had been a minor worry of mine but I wasn't really thinking much about it. She heard the one heartbeat the first time so I thought we were golden.
The doctor quickly squeezed us in for an ultrasound and lo and behold, there were TWO BABIES. TWO. BABIES. IN. MY. BELLY. OMG.
Twin A and Twin B
We went back to the room in about a half hour. She started with what they call Twin A. Twin A is the one that is closest to the cervix and will come out first. Twin A was a little showoff. Posing, waving, kicking, playing. What a character! Heartbeat was about the 150s. She said she could tell us her best guess on the sex if we wanted. We agreed. She took a close look and guessed Girl. She moved on to Twin B and Twin A kept popping up in the picture. You could see her hand occasionally like she was saying, "Don't forget about me! Take MY picture!" Twin B was also in 150s for heartbeat. She took a guess that the way each one was formed, the size and measurements, etc, that they were identical!! TWO GIRLS? Whoa.
Baby Stats
She finished the ultrasound and mentioned something about swelling before leaving the room to go get the doctor. The doctor came and explained that she was concerned about the swelling around Twin B's brain and spine. Also the baby was a week behind in development compared to A. She went through a terrible, horrible list of things she thought it could be. She referred us to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist that comes to Lafayette once a month. We will be seeing the specialist in a month to find out what exactly is going on with Baby B. Shocked and terrified, we left the office and both took the day off to digest this information.
I think I can safely say that we both went through a range of emotions that day while trying to figure out how we were feeling about all of this. By the end of the day, we decided there was nothing to do but wait and be hopeful. And try to stay offline (impossible.)
Because seriously, what else can you do? It's scary and all we have to do is WAIT. A month is an eternity in this situation. Friends and family have been super supportive which is hugely helpful.
I came home from work today to some beautiful flowers from some beautiful friends. Damn, you girls are FAST!
Love the colors!
My Email Club Girls
So for now until we have reason not to, it's time to celebrate. Twins, ahem, identical twins (if the ultrasound tech wasn't wrong) are pretty much a miracle. They are not genetic. They are pure luck and happenstance. Another miracle (or just plain good luck) is that each twin has its own placenta so it is less likely that there will be TTTS where one takes the blood supply from the other.
So as disappointing as it first was for me to grasp, this pregnancy/labor/delivery is going to be entirely different from the first one. I think unless you have a horrible experience, most mothers want a similar experience the second time around because familiarity is very comforting. But I'm embracing it and trying to best prepare myself for the craziness that is ahead.
I have to post a week by week picture too, as much as I've been fighting it. But you have to see the difference between the two pregnancies.
Here's 14 weeks with Tommy T. Just a LITTLE bigger. Sheesh.
I used the Wave Cam App that I got from Apps Gone Free to take this picture. This app was strictly made for selfies. Too funny. But hey, it works!
So Baby T2 is now Baby A and Baby B. Sorry for the confusion but hey, apparently we don't do anything easy in the Thornburg household. The thought that keeps running through my head is "You make plans and God laughs." I had just made the mistake of mentioning to my mom how much I would hate to have a high risk pregnancy. Welllll, now I'm super mega ultra high risk. Such is life.
If you have the time, we could really use good thoughts and prayers for both Baby A and Baby B. We want them to be healthy!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Chores with Dada
Tommy wanted to help Dada vacuum the living room. He got out his mower and imitated every motion he made.
It was hard to get pictures that weren't blurry. They were both moving fast and working hard.
They even
At just over 27 months, he's growing faster than we realize. We had to get him some new jammies. Rescue Truck Jammies! (Any truck is a rescue truck, thanks to Mickey)
It's nearly impossible to take pictures of him at the speed of light in which he moves. He's also started to get super silly before bedtime.
He giggles, laughs, plays, runs, hides under the bed, avoids bedtime at all costs. If it wasn't so funny, I think it might be frustrating. Oh Tommy T, you are a goob. My favorite goob in the whole wide world.
School Fun and St. Patrick's Day
Tommy's class got to play with snow INSIDE the other day. Miss Kristin put socks on their hands and they went to town. You can see new student/dare devil Jayden in the back. Owen and Layla are on either side.
Miss Kristin snapped a quick pic of the masterfully skilled snowball Tommy made too. That's huge! Way to go, Tommy!
This is one of Tommy's many St. Patrick's Day art projects. Very cool. Love the ginger finger beard.
Here's the class having a St. Patrick's Day celebration. Here's what Miss Kristin told us about their day.
That sneaky Leprechaun!!
You can see the other new student, Simon, in orange. Landon, Owen, Tommy and Layla helped too.
So with two new students, that makes 7 (Landon, Logan, Layla, Owen, Simon, Jayden, Tommy... poor Layla is still the only girl). With state regs, that means that they have to bring in an extra teacher and she starts this week. The Easter party is next week. So many exciting things happening at school right now!
Miss Kristin snapped a quick pic of the masterfully skilled snowball Tommy made too. That's huge! Way to go, Tommy!
This is one of Tommy's many St. Patrick's Day art projects. Very cool. Love the ginger finger beard.
Here's the class having a St. Patrick's Day celebration. Here's what Miss Kristin told us about their day.
- We had lots of fun during gym time helping the clumsy leprechaun pick up his "Golden Ball" (aka yellow) and put them back in his "pot" (aka laundry basket).
While we were doing that he came in our room and put all our honey pots on the wrong color bee and our shapes on the wrong shape! But the kids did great helping me find the colors and shapes I asked for even though they were in wrong place!
That sneaky Leprechaun!!
You can see the other new student, Simon, in orange. Landon, Owen, Tommy and Layla helped too.
So with two new students, that makes 7 (Landon, Logan, Layla, Owen, Simon, Jayden, Tommy... poor Layla is still the only girl). With state regs, that means that they have to bring in an extra teacher and she starts this week. The Easter party is next week. So many exciting things happening at school right now!
Monday, March 11, 2013
So Cool
On our way to (where else?) Target over the weekend, we turn around to look at our little Tommy T.

Andrew says to me, "When did he become cooler than us?"
It just happens so fast. Look at that little dude. Hipster shades, popped collar and 1st generation iPhone. What a stud.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Andrew says to me, "When did he become cooler than us?"
It just happens so fast. Look at that little dude. Hipster shades, popped collar and 1st generation iPhone. What a stud.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Big Ol' Snow in March
We got SNOW! Hooray for snow! (Only because I was able to make it home from work before the roads got too bad).
Tommy hasn't gotten much snow time this winter so we wanted to make the most out of the few inches we got today.
Tommy was elated! Look at all this snow! He doesn't know Lake Effect snow like we've been so used to up north but lucky for us this snow was seriously perfect.
I have never built a snowman with snow that packed so perfectly. I actually rolled the snow into a ball. I've never done that before and I've only seen it done in cartoons. It was very exciting. Of course Tommy wanted to immediately just shove him over. No way, Jose!
I found some leaves (at OUR house?? No way!) for a sweet little snowman toupée. No rocks for a face so I had to give him hair.
Tommy even got to go sledding!!
He loved it. Snow much fun was had by all!!
The Thornburgs Have Some Big News!
We're expanding our house by two feet!
Baby T2 is on his or her way!
THIS little man is going to be a big brother...
Can you tell he loves his new shirt??
Thanks Zulily!
He actually was not a big fan of his new shirt as you can tell from the outtakes above. I hope that's not how he feels about getting a sibling! Poor Tommy won't be the center of attention all the time anymore. We keep asking him if he wants a brother or sister. For awhile he was saying brother (or actually more like "brudder") but then the other night out of nowhere he said sister. I hope he likes what's in store for him. I think he will be totally excited to have a sibling once he realizes he'll always have someone to play with.
So Baby T2 will be making his/her debut in September! Wish us luck!
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