With Memorial Day and Independence Day coming up, I got a new maternity top.
MERICA! PREGZ YEAH! You could've taken the tag off, nerd.There are some outtakes from this photo shoot I thought you might like to see.
I thought the tank could use some accessories.
Are you kidding me?
There we go. Those are the right accessories. And NO we don't keep Miller High Life in the house.
It's in the garage. Duh.
So how is little Baby T2 Santa Claus?
We visited Maternal Fetal Medicine in Indy again to check her growth. We got a very good report. She's growing wonderfully. It was nerve-wracking to be back in that room again. But when they use words like perfect and normal over and over again, you finally start to relax.
T2 is about the size of a grapefruit at this point. The average measurements for a baby at this week of growth is 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.
At the appointment they told us our baby is, and I quote, a 'whopper'. I believe they said she's 20 ounces! That's HUGE! But I guess we were never given any in-depth information about Tommy so we don't really know if he was big or small at that point.
I asked what the percentile was and the doctor told me 50-70th percentile. Well that's not so bad. Phew. I should be able to handle that.

They still had to do some checking on Twin B. But T2 doesn't like the attention taken off of her so she kept sticking her hand where ever the ultrasound was at the time.
She told us it is rare that you can get such a good shot this early. Normally you have to wait until about 28 weeks to get a quality picture of the face like this.
Oh and she also told us that our baby isn't actually lumpy. It's just the way the 3-D ultrasound waves bounce off of everything in the uterus.
We think she looks like Tommy already. This is Tommy at 1 day old. What do you think??
I think she looks like Tommy, too! She's obviously a smart girl. She's already giving the "live long and prosper" sign.
You are so right! Santa is a Trekkie!
Oddly enough, I do think it looks like Tommy T! Glad the experience was a lot more pleasant this time and for the love of God, I almost peed my pants looking at your pictures. Although not hard to do whilst preggo.
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