We saw the allergist today. He basically said for about a month we need to be super strict with making sure he gets absolutely no dairy, eggs or peanuts. The wheat and soy we can work with a little since it's lower on the spectrum. If we didn't have that little leeway we would have given up grocery shopping tonight. It was rough. Before we went to the grocery store, we threw away all the foods we couldn't eat anymore (if Tommy can't eat it, none of us will. It's a family Wolf Pack!) So this is what our pantry looked like after we did that.

Let's see... Pretzels and baby food. That's all we have left. Turns out, you should really read the labels on your food. I had no idea how many things have peanuts, milk products and eggs.
And everything else has wheat and soy!! You gotta be kidding me!!
So then we made our way to the grocery store. Cool hand Tommy wanted to look cool riding in the cart.

Sorry it's a little blurry.

He cracked us up when he took them off. You could just see his face reacting when his eyes adjusted to the light. It was like he was on drugs! "Whoa, man! Groovy!" Haha!!

So we shopped till we dropped. It took a lot of reading but we bought food for us to eat.
Our allergist said that 90% grow out of their milk and egg allergies by age 6 or so. He said kids rarely grow out of the peanut allergy though. He's seen about 5 out of maybe 200.
But hey, Tommy's one of a kind. I can definitely imagine him doing such a thing so we'll just hope for the best.
He also had us start giving Tommy a small amount of Zyrtec twice a day. He said that he had read about studies in Europe that the children were given medications like Zyrtec for extended periods of time and it ended up decreasing the their chance of getting asthma. Something like that. So it's worth a try I guess. If it helps with the eczema and allergies, we will be super excited.
Tommy took the tiny dose and this is how he was sleeping when I checked on him a couple hours later.

That boy was tired!!
After a month on the Zyrtec we can reevaluate a little.
It's going to be an interesting month. Wish us luck!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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LUCK and love coming your way!
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